Originally Posted by Plan9
Well, this can be argued... but let's say for the sake of this thread that they're essentially the same problem:
The planet / nature / the environment is waaay outta balance thanks to all the upright apes.
Well, my argument is that it has more to do with how we use/abuse resources than it does with our net population.
If we had a choice between building/re-engineering all our cities with zero-energy buildings populated with
self-sustaining societies versus literally decimating the world population and going with the one-child policy, I would like to choose the former. (Okay, that's unfair....but generally I choose the former vs. investing all kinds of efforts into curbing current population trends.)
The solution to our problems have more to do with how we spend our resources and how we treat our biodome planet than it does with our population.
It's not that there are too many of us (not yet, anyway); it's that too many of us are wasteful selfish hogs.