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Old 05-06-2010, 09:52 AM   #3051 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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Location: East-central Canada
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq View Post
While you don't see yourself raiding 25 man try 10 man. The weekly raid has people looking for healers in Trade all day long. Jump on in!
I know...I see requests for healers all the time, but I fear the whole, "ur undergeared, lol!" or "u don't know the fights, lol!" But I should get over that. According to, my gear level makes Naxx 10-man "easy." Should I start with that? How long do raids take anyway?

There's something more interesting to me about the mechanics of the raid than a 5 man instance. Also, there's just a lot more content you're not getting to see, some of the most interesting and intricately drawn areas and stories unfold in the raid content.
I don't know the mechanics/stages of these things. How do they differ from 5-mans? It's not that I don't want to raid deep down inside; it's just that it seems like such a closed/exclusive community to me. I don't think I'm a bad healer; I just despise the attitudes of hardcore idiots who don't seem to know how the game works.

Here's an example: I did the Pit of Saron heroic for the first time recently. The tank we had dropped right away, and so another guy came on to fill in. He was an idiot. He ran ahead and did a pull, and it was fine, except he had three mobs on him and they were down to like 10% and he decided to just run ahead to the next 3-mob pull, and then another. Of course, we wipe.

So the tank says, "No wonder the other tank left. The heals can't take it."

One of the DPS replied, "Not with you doing all those pulls. He's undergeared."

While he was right about my being undergeared, I wasn't that undergeared. I found out later that, according to the Random Dungeon tool, I was adequately geared shortly thereafter with one or two fairly minor item upgrades. Plus, it wasn't the first time I was undergeared in a dungeon. I know my class.

So anyway, I said, "Fine, go find another healer," and I left the party without waiting for a reply. As a healer, I don't have to suffer players who don't know what they're doing.

This is the kind of thing I want to avoid. People going beyond the necessary threshold of difficulty and then blaming someone else when things go wrong. If I was indeed the weakest link, then damn well be a team player and make do. We could have beat the dungeon if he did one pull at a time; we only just barely failed on his pulling 3 groups at once. What does that say about an undergeared healer?


It's not the first time I've come across a tank who doesn't seem to understand that healers have to manage mana, consider their casting MP5, have to make decisions on spells, especially when DPS generates too much threat or if there's AoE damage coming in. I've also suffered DPS players who don't know how to keep their threat under the tank's.

But, of course, it's the healer who gets blamed. "Fucking heal me! You suck!" Um...I can't heal the entire party when it's getting shitstomped all at once. That's called a fucking free-for-all and it gets the party all killed every time.

/rant 2

Anyway, I think I know how to be an adequate healer. I just need to know how to be diplomatic when I find people don't know what the fuck they're doing or what they're talking about.

How is one to know they're ready for raids?

Originally Posted by Cynthetiq View Post
oh and the weekly raid, if done with a good group of folks isn't very painful. It is usually the first or second boss of a raid, and it gives a flavor of what raiding is like.
Maybe I'll start with this.

btw, nice gear.
Thanks; it's a work in progress. I'm currently grinding reputation for some top-quality enchants for the key pieces.
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Last edited by Baraka_Guru; 05-06-2010 at 09:54 AM..
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