informative example:
Originally Posted by Jetée
(if you'll notice, I didn't give this image its proper citations or source;
there's a reason why I did this, really because I wanted to start a "cats" thread, but that is beside the point...
now, I'll move on to giving the picture its due information... if you'd like to follow along, you'll
notice here that I have input the image into TinEye, and wouldn't you know it, only
1 source popped up. The key though, is that one source is the most relevant one (not to mention the originating one)... I've gotten good enough now to recognize which sources will aid me in my search for "the one true name", and which ones are just wastes of my time. Still, it's really just a hit-or-miss type of shooting gallery.
Onwards... to properly displaying this image in my newfound method of giving my audience all they could possibly want in terms of context:
Abby Goes For the Pizza!!! by
and how I formatted the post
(really unnecessary to follow my example, but if it interests you)
click to show
PHP Code:
Abby Goes For the Pizza!!![/URL] by [URL=""]gajbatton[/URL]