Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
He might be a hypocrite, but does that invalidate his fundamental message?
There's no "might be" in there. He IS a hypocrite of the worst kind.
In my opinion he should walk the walk. Frankly he is a very poor spokesman for his fundamental message and though his hypocrisy does not invalidate the message - it certainly invalidates him. I'm all for success and reaping the rewards of your hard work, but does one really need a house with 9 bathrooms? For that matter, I believe this is Gore's 3'rd house. I seem to recall he had a 14,000 ft2 mansion in Tennessee and a house in NY somewhere that was about half the size. Now this makes 3 houses at virtually the 3 corners of the United States. I somehow doubt he rides a bicycle to commute between his palaces.
The cynic in me would say that Al is just an opportunist like so many other sleazeballs, whoops, I mean Politicians. He simply figured out a way to become a spokesman for an industry and make a shit load of money for himself in the process. In the end, that's what it comes down to with Gore - money and lots of it.