Yea I knowww xD. I'm excited.
@Vault: The campaign plot is going to BLOW away sc1's. Blizz is spending something on the order of 500x the resources on their campaigns this time around.
As to multiplayer, it's a lot more complex than that. Are you a fighter (think street fighter) fan? How about sports? Let's take baseball.
I was bored to tears by baseball most of my life. 4 hour games for 20 minutes of action...seriously? Since my whole family loves it, though, I've allowed myself to be subjected to it and understand it a bit more now. When the pitcher is sitting there before the pitch, instead of being bored I'm wondering which pitch he'll throw. It hasn't made me LIKE baseball, but I can at least tolerate watching it.
Street Fighter. At the competitive level, it is very very refined. I direct you to Sirlin for an indepth review of playing to win at that. StarCraft is similar: there is an entire RICH metagame of play above the casual level, that allows for virtually any strategy, executed properly with the proper scouting of the opponent and room to adapt.
Just walking into the melee you're going to get rolled because you don't have a grasp of these mechanics. I don't mean to be condescending here, sorry if it's coming across that way. But the more I play and learn about starcraft melee (and I'm really quite bad), the MORE I enjoy it as it requires more focused play, not less.
As for DotA, there's no contest. The map editor is orders of magnitude more powerful than warcraft III's. Most simple games have already been recreated, from Tetris to FPS to Sonic. A quote from TL the other day: "I wouldn't be surprised if the WCG (World Cyber Games) in a decade are composed entirely of StarCraft II and customs built from its engine."
I don't think he's far off, either.
Last edited by Jozrael; 05-04-2010 at 11:41 AM..