Conditioners and their negative effects on hair?
Lately, I've done some reading online regarding shampoos and their ingredients, specifically sodium laureth sulfate, and have ultimately determined that this ingredient is not good for one's hair. Thus, I've switched from American Crew to Burt's Bees shampoo to see what, if any changes, occur as a result.
With that said, I am curious if there are ingredients to be wary of in hair conditioner? In my readings online, it seemed many people switched from sodium laureth sulfate shampoos to those that didn't contain this ingredient, but given that most hair products are filled with chemicals and ingredients I know nothing about, I'm curious if alternative conditioners should be considered as well.
Up until a week ago, I've been using American Crew's conditioner along with their shampoo, and I was satisfied with the results. But after reading up a bit on the ingredients, I figured it might be healthier for my hair to look elsewhere.
I did not see sodium laureth sulfate listed as in ingredient in the American Crew conditioner, but am curious if I should look elsewhere or continue using the conditioner? Burt's Bees has conditioner available, and I suspect it's primarily all natural ingredients, so that would be a consideration; though the scents seem to be more feminine in nature, and I'd prefer less scent, or no scent at all, if given the option.
In general, I'm going to wash/condition my hair less than previously, but when I do wash/condition I might as well use products that are beneficial to it's health.
Any feedback, recommendations, or information would be greatly appreciated.
Desperation is no excuse for lowering one's standards.