Originally Posted by rahl
NM your argument, while kind of interesting, is just simply BS. Sexual orientation exists, like it or not.
While someone who lives in a society where sexual orientation has been artificially made into a reality through social engineering, may sincerely believe in it, especially, if he has himself built a strong sense of personal identity on its basis, and especially if he fits into the 'gay' identity well, the fact is 'sexual orientation' the way you know it, doesn't exist. like it or not.
Originally Posted by rahl
A male can be "feminine" without having sexual feeling for other men.
Yes, and even transgendered males who like women are part of the GLBT side of the hetero-homo divide.
Originally Posted by rahl
Just like "masculine" men can be homosexual.
Saying 'masculine' men can like men is different from saying 'masculine' men can be 'homosexual.' The definition of 'homosexual' is wrong. It actually means an effeminate male who likes men.
Originally Posted by rahl
The word "homo" meaning same, simply describes the type of sexuality a person has.
That is what the homosexuals hope the world believes. But, the truth is everyone knows that 'homo' really means effeminate. Even if you're not supposed to say it so clearly. Even gays know that themselves.
Here are a few examples:
1. The phrase, "he looks so gay" doesn't really mean, he looks as if he likes men. It means he looks so effeminate.
2. The first time I met 'homosexuals,' I was aghast at the fact that they were so womanlike. They were even wearing dresses and make-up. When I pointed this out to the 'gay' Swedish acquaintance who had taken me there, who himself didn't look effeminate at the outset, told me indignantly, "you're so homophobic." It took me several years and research into the reality of 'sexual orientation' to realise how could not being comfortable with male effeminacy amount to 'homophobia.' Now, I know. I have learned to accept male femininity since then. However, the reality of sexual orientation I found out through personal experience (that it is actually gender orientation) has since been verified by examining western and other cultures, the past and biology as well.
3. When a masculine male is found to be liking men. The first thing that people say is, "but you don't look it." What they mean is, you don't look effeminate.
4. An openly effeminate male who likes men is often said to be "wearing his sexuality on his sleeve," by gays themselves, when he is not actually displaying his sexual feelings for men here, but his effeminacy, through his dress, moves, gait, etc.
5. When you ask someone if he is 'gay,' a masculine gendered male takes it as a statement questioning his manhood. And, in order to resurrect his manhood, the man will immediately display a sexual interest in women, whether he feels it or not. A sexual interest in women is seen as a sign of manhood, while a sexual interest in men is seen as a 'woman inside the male.'
6. The nature and extent of the stigma and stereotypes attached with 'gay' in the modern 'West' is exactly the same as they are with the 'third gender' category in the non-West and in the West before the concept of 'gay' was originated. Why is a gay male stereotyped as an effeminate male? Is it a false stereotype or is it seeped in reality? Where do stereotypes come from? Not from out of air? Why aren't straight males stereotyped as effeminate, when as you yourself rightly pointed out, many males who like women are effeminate?
Originally Posted by rahl
So does the word "hetero" which simply means other.
I am glad life is not so simple that you make a definition and then the reality will distort itself to fit into that definition. It only seems to fit into the false concept of 'sexual orientation' created by the West, because the west has created an extremely artificial social environment for it, through its immense wealth and technology, including through distortion and suppression of facts.
Masculine males don't really look at themselves as having a sexual identity. It becomes important only when they have to contrast themselves with the 'gay' identified males, or when they have to protect their 'manhood.' just like acting effeminate is a way for gays to tell the world that they like men ... displaying a real or fake sexual interest in girls is a way for masculine gendered males that they're masculine gendered and not 'females inside male bodies' in a society which prescribes such roles for men.
Consider the following examples from the so-called 'gay' as well as 'straight' world:
What is a male who is not effeminate calls himself in the 'gay' world? Straight-acting. It is clear that the gay space, being an effeminate space, considers masculinity to be alien to souls who are gays, and if someone is behaving in a manly way, he is seen as being just pretending.
If you analyse the word 'straight-acting gay,' what is that 'gay' male really doing. Is he pretending that he likes women, in a gay-bar? No, he is just acting to be masculine. So, straight=masculine, not really a man who likes females.
Also, I've spoken to and analysed innumerable self-defined 'straight-acting' or 'masculine' gay males. There masculinity all seems to be either non-existing, or if existing, very, very superficial. For gays, being masculine means adopting a few vain 'masculine' ways or dresses, often devised to hook a date, because gays do like 'straight' (meaning masculine) males. There is no deeper understanding, appreciation or need for manhood.
It's interesting how masculine gendered males often call themselves 'heterosexual' and still have sex with men. What they actually mean when they say they're heterosexual is, that they are masculine, not effeminates. So, they can't be 'gays.' It's equally interesting, that gays have sex with straight males, and still consider them straights. Which means that straight is actually about males with manhood, or mainstream, regular, masculine gendered, 'normal' guys, as against the 'gays' who are seen as queer or effeminate, unmanly, male.
Originally Posted by rahl
I don' care what research you've done. Nothing is going to change that fact.
A Christian will never believe that the religious doctrine he follows could wrong. Neither would gays. However, a mature, fair society looks at facts and overall human rights, not how a small group of people would like to see this world as.
---------- Post added at 09:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ----------
Originally Posted by mixedmedia
So, naturally, I do have a measure of sympathy for your desire not to be 'pigeon-holed' into an identity if you feel that it doesn't adequately define you. Particularly being defined by your sexual activity - that which most people are allowed to keep private (if they so choose).
You have captured one aspect of the problem very well, and I congratulate you for that. The problem is worsened because, the space and identity that has been granted to man's sexual need for men, has been started by, represented by and populated mostly by people who have, at least socially, extremely negative traits, including effeminacy and lustful or promiscuous behaviour. These are the people who lend stereotypes to the trait of liking men, upon whom every male who acknowledges his sexuality for men is judged.
However, this is not the only aspect of the problem and being a woman, I should think that you may not understand the depth of the 'manhood' issue.
Originally Posted by mixedmedia
That said, I'm a little lost as to what 'feminists' have to do with this issue. Then again, if it's true you are not responding to women on this thread, then that makes it pretty clear.
Feminists have allowed their movement in anti-man ways in several ways. E.g., by becoming an instrument for the destruction and heterosexualization of men's spaces. Somehow, women's rights can only be achieved by breaking men's spaces from men, and putting women into every men's spaces.
Feminists have also given protection and validity to the 'homosexuals' and their ideology. Feminine gender males and women have natural affinity, its true. However, I have nothing against feminine gender males if they define themselves as 'feminine gender males' or as 'third genders,' rather than as 'men who like men.'
---------- Post added at 09:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Idyllic
^^Hi mixedmedia, he is responding to women, yeah, let us help him understand that it is not just the male sexuality issue,
Womanhood is not so politicised and controlled through control of 'sexual orientation' as is the case with men and manhood. The issue of sexuality for men is not simply as that of 'sexuality' ... its first and foremost an issue of manhood, which, I'm sorry to disbelieve you, there is no way women can understand in its true depth. Men cannot have the luxury of treating and enjoying sex for its inherent value. Sex has been reduced to a tool for earning their manhood. And in fact, men will pretend to love people they can't stand, men will pretend to have sex with people they can't stand, if it can earn them social manhood ... and men will stay away from people their heart really longs for, if it comes in the way of earning social manhood. That is what the society exploits. Aware of any of that issue?
Originally Posted by Idyllic
it is the negativism of effeminate behavior that really seems the crux here, imo.
No. Effeminate male behavior is not negative. It's been made into a negative behavior. Male femininity is natural, healthy and desirable, even beautiful trait. Our societies have persecuted male femininity unjustly.
The issue is not negativism of effeminate behavior. Even if effeminate behavior was thought of as positive, there'd still be an issue here.
The issue here is of understanding that males can only be divided naturally into two categories: Males with a male identity, and males with a female identity. Sexual or any other preferences of any kind cannot be a ground for dividing men from men. Masculine males have a direct affinity with each other, and so do effeminate males with each other. Masculine males tend to unite, band and bond together, while feminine males tend to unite, band and bond together, irrespective of sexual, or food or film preferences.
The thing to realise is that, the concept of 'sexual orientation' is just a politics to propagate and stigmatize 'sexual desire for men' as 'effeminate' by redefining the two biological male categories of "masculine gendered" and "feminine gendered" males in terms of 'heterosexuality' and 'homosexuality' respectively.
It's not that male effeminacy is bad. It's just that building a 'man liking man' identity on the 'effeminate male' identity is wrong. It's mixing of trait. Its mixing of issues. It suits only a few males who fit into this narrow confused space. And those who want to see sexuality between males stigmatize -- and these does include some women. Because, heterosexualization of straight men and their spaces, does invest a lot of power with women. And who hates power, especially if it comes easy.
Originally Posted by Idyllic
I did think he would not respond as he replied to all welcomes from males but seemed to hesitate on welcoming the females, but that has changed.
Idyllic. I didn't even know you're a female, before you told me. I did not ignore any message. I was overwhelmed with messages, and since I'm too pressed for time (my father is in hospital), I decided to reply to only the ones that instigated me the most, apart from the very first ones. I was going to reply to your post soon.
Originally Posted by Idyllic
I promise you we females understand a lot about male sexuality, just as the males on this forum understand a lot about us females, and we all love learning more.
I think men have a hard time unravelling women. It would be just interesting to know what you think about the whole issue, whether or not you understand it. Women are important 'stakeholders' on the issue, so your opinion counts.
Idyllic, I'll take up more later!!