^^Hi mixedmedia, he is responding to women, yeah, let us help him understand that it is not just the male sexuality issue, it is the negativism of effeminate behavior that really seems the crux here, imo. I did think he would not respond as he replied to all welcomes from males but seemed to hesitate on welcoming the females, but that has changed. Thank you Natural manhood for allowing us to share in your conversations and debates, I promise you we females understand a lot about male sexuality, just as the males on this forum understand a lot about us females, and we all love learning more.
Hi, NM…..
Thank you for responding.
Sexual Orientation is not a western “ideology” and the West is built upon its people, not its bedroom activities, period. If you know history than you know that at the time of our beginning we were puritanical……. so stop with the assumptions that the “west” treats the basic ideology of any one sexual inclination as allowable or unallowable, we have tried and will continue with our little successes in removing from power people who would propagate sexual preferences as a judgment or label.
As for the west not allowing anyone to question this “ideology” and apply censor, have you been reading the posts here? Do you truly understand what you are saying as opposed to what you are seeing and reading, there is no censorship here.
“Artificial ideology”, to a degree you are correct here, there is no ideology, or idea lifestyle in the west, and all lifestyles that allow for cohesion within our society are equal as long as they cause no physical harm to other people. Sexual orientation is not a label; it is a self acknowledged choice. Most people in the ‘west’ who accept the label, do so with pride, nobody forces them to be who they say they are!!!!!
I'm not saying you should accept the other ideas, concept and lifestyles, but listen to them, discuss them, argue with them, don't just brush them off without considering them or hearing them out -- they may have something of value for you, that you may not know at the outset.
What are your concepts of this, of human sexuality? Tell me what you think of when you think of a man who does not like to have sex with a woman at all, who prefers sex with other men only, do you have a name to describe these individuals other than an “effeminate man” because it is obvious based on your response here:
“Unfortunately, what I see is censorship from one of the most intolerant group that I have ever known -- the 'homosexuals' ... they just don't want to discuss anything that questions the ideology that has created them. That's some insecurity?”
that you feel anything effemnatized is inferior. (one may need to read the entire OP and thread to understand my statement here)
What do you call a woman who refuses to have sex with a male because she is attracted to females exclusively?
One more for you NM, what do you do to men who have sex with other men, are they befriended in your country?
. That there was no concept of 'homosexuality' as something that only a few males had and that could be used to distinguish between males.
Let me start with, The Greeks held male same sex relationships in a higher regard than they did male/female relationships! This is a fact.
You see it would have been simpler for me to say “Homosexuality for the Greeks was profoundly accepted!” I am not labeling the Greeks, I am merely using a term that was created by a Hungarian to define a particular sexual act in my sentence.
I could have said that Greeks really liked sodomy, but that seems derogatory when in essence I am merely saying they found love and companionship in each others male arms (sexually). On the contrary I find homosexual to be just fine.
What I am saying is that same gender sex has existed since before the time of written history, that no demographic location has any “ownership” of natural inclinations, for that matter, as I stated earlier, the “west” did not create the terms homosexual, heterosexual, at all!
The “west” has done nothing except embrace, in time and to the best of our abilities, the different sexual inclinations of the human race and make it more understandable to our people that these inclinations are part of a natural world. We continue with the belief that sexual preference is a natural inclination and this reality, once learned, can and will reduce the homophobia that ignorance feeds on so we as a species can see beyond our genitalia and our physical sexual desire, as the reality of age dictates that who you share your bed with really doesn’t define “who” you are.
Homosexuality (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) you see the issues you bring forth are ones that the whole world deals with, it is not just the “west” and it is definitely not a new issue.
The terms homo, hetero, were used to replace the derogatory terms sodimite, and pederast (which defined an act that was seen as a sin) so that we may try to look beyond the physical act itself and see that the participant is still just that, a person, and that the act does not define the person, it helps for us to understand the inclinations are just and natural, outside the religious condemnation, so we view human sexuality as a preference, not an act, that is what these generalization do, but even we know they do not define a human.
I'm saying, even loose sexual identities in the way west sees it, doesn't make sense, apart from if one has an anti-man agenda,
What do you mean by anti-man agenda, you make it sound as though somebody is trying to remove “mans’ masculinity” and you leave it open to make the assumption (yes I used that word) that it is somehow the females and/or “effeminates” who are doing this.
And even if this were true, which it is not, what would be the agenda……., to remove masculinity form humankind? Do you think that women and homosexuals want to rule the earth effeminately? Funny, I’ve always enjoyed my masculine side, and I absolutely love a man who is powerful enough to protect me and yet feminine enough to hold me gently and strong enough in his own maleness to not fear me or his “friends” while he shows his care for me by holding my hand in public and being proud that I am his equal in humanity.
Distrust of women as members of a cohesive and functioning society seems to define a lot of eastern thinking, I’ve always wondered why that is, as you seem to wonder why the west think that all forms of physical male social bonding are viewed as homosexual activities.
Can you explain to me what anti-man means to you, please.
Where do these innumerable gays live (let's stick to male sexuality. I'm making no claims about female sexuality)? I have already acknowedged that a couple of masculine gendered males do call themselves 'gay' because they like men, but that is more because they don't have any option. I have received so many emails from western males, who have thanked me for making them realise that they could like men without being 'gay' ... and not just as a vain political statement, but because 'gay' really means effeminate.
Go to any gay bar, any gay event, any gay parade ... what do you see primarily? These masculine gendered males are hardly ever visible. What are masculine gendered males doing in a transgendered space anyways? Who put them there? Do they like being there? Do they belong there?
Don’t have an option…….. in the U.S. you always have an option to call yourself whom ever or what ever you wish, did you ever think maybe they call themselves gay because they ARE…. masculine or not, they are gay. There is nothing wrong with being gay!
A vain political statement is to say that ‘gay’ really means effeminate, and that with your negativity placed on the effeminate gender in general you imply that any effeminate human is less than a non-effeminate human.
The truth is, 'straight' doesn't really mean heterosexual. It means 'manly.' And 'gay' doesn't mean 'homosexual.' It actually means 'womanly' male. That is how feminine gendered heterosexual males fit there, rather than in the straight identity.
So, feminine gendered males who are heterosexual are gay also, even if they prefer to have sex with women. I am beginning to see the pattern here, it’s not about sexuality, and it’s about being viewed as weak and effeminate, that is what makes you less of a man, to be and or act womanly, because women and feminism is…….. somehow……. less good?
So men who are not manly in their love for other men and manly in their love for women are not real men but are effeminized by the anti-man establishment, which I’m thinking seems to include all that is feminine, right? Please prove me wrong, I so want to be wrong, I so want to believe that the depth of your distrust for females and the effeminacy of the woman is not seen to you as such an utter weakness and controlling agent that we are to blame for the “ANTI-MAN” Agenda…… do you see how you sound NM?
Karl Maria Benkert was not even a physician, even when gays often misrepresent 'her' to be one. He openly called himself and others of his ilk, 'females soul inside male bodies' who desire men. That is exactly what the 'third gender' in our society means.
Site this please, also, just because a man desires men physically, does not a woman make……. and “if” it did, then one must concur that a woman who desires women only, would she then be seen as a man in the east?
Go to any gay bar, any gay event, any gay parade ... what do you see primarily? These masculine gendered males are hardly ever visible. What are masculine gendered males doing in a transgendered space anyways? Who put them there? Do they like being there? Do they belong there?
Primarily, I see humans, but o.k. for conversations point, I think you are confusing the lack of masculine homosexuals because they don’t stand out as ‘gay’ to you, but that doesn’t change that fact that they ARE gay (and in the bar), regardless of if they openly, effeminately “ACT” gay or not, still gay.
And being gay does “NOT” define ones base gender; DNA typically does that (outside of hermaphrodites) and I'm not aware of an actual, dna codified, third gender yet (sounds like a label to me "third gender").
I’m not done yet, I’ll be back after I’m done pretending to be whoever I want to be in this great country, I think I shall dress like a man and act like man, and yet not be a man. What does that make me? ME