It's been mentioned, but The Miracle on Ice, 1980 Winter Olympics. In the context of the Cold War, it was a supreme moment for Americans, especially those of us who grew up fearing the Russians, even though it wasn't for the gold. Everywhere you went, people were talking.
I have another small moment that will always stand out for me, even though I didn't see it in person, only the reports of it. I can't link the article or the Youtube, so I'll paraphrase. May, 2008, womens' softball, Western Oregon University vs. Central Washington in a game to advance to the playoffs. A WOU player hits her first ever homer that will win the game, but she missed first base. She turned to come back to the base, but collapsed from a knee injury. She's just laying there, can't walk, much less run and she needs to score in order to win the game. Two CWU players pick her up and carry her around the bases, stopping to touch each bag and finishing at home plate to win the game, eliminating them from the playoffs.
It is the single greatest act of sportsmanship I ever heard of. They said she hit the homer, she deserved the home run. I wasn't there and didn't know anyone in the game, but it has stuck with me since seeing it on the sports news.