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Old 05-03-2010, 09:45 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Truly "Obama's Katrina"?

So, one can't help but see the media coverage of the oil spill. There are some in the media who have said the federal government did not react fast enough. The pundits' have gone so far as to call this "Obama's Katrina." Obviously, this is typical tit-for-tat bickering. There have been two types of media coverage so far. The left seems to blame BP. The right seems to blame Obama. But who knows? Drawing parallels to Bush's Katrina: the right media said the slow response was primarily based on slow requests at the state and local level. The left said it was the Bush administration. So, it's the same people arguing the opposite side of the coin - big surprise.

What is your initial take on this event?

Mine? Well, I do wonder why the first federal press conference on the matter was Thursday. From what I can tell, that was the day that the resources of the federal government were activated. The oil had traveled 50 of the 53 miles it needed to travel to hit the coast by then. Since then, it seems the government has been mobilizing every boat in the fleet to help. But why wait until then? So, it does have the appearance of a slow response.

So, what do you think the fallout will be? Will the administration lose favor with the environmentalists when the inevitable images of oily dead birds and fish land on the front pages? What are "reasonable" preparations (at the corporate and federal) for this type of endeavor? How do you see the politics(as opposed to the reality) of this event affecting the future of oil drilling? Has it suddenly become politically unpopular to get our own oil? Is it unfair to have other nations risk this disaster on their shores for our benefit and not be willing to risk our own coastline?
Gives a man a halo, does mead.

"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."

Last edited by Cimarron29414; 05-03-2010 at 12:12 PM.. Reason: Expanded the discussion points
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