Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
All I have to say at this point is we've come a long way since "sodomite" and "abomination."
It's exactly the Christian concept of sodomite and abomination, which was only interested in the 'sin' part of it, which clubbed 'men' and 'third genders' who performed sodomy under one category of sinners, which resulted in the Western concept of 'homosexuality.'
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
But I have to ask: Where do lesbians fit in this criticism?
There is no such thing as a lesbian pal?
But, if you're talking about women in general, female gender or sexuality doesn't have a direct parrallel with male gender and sexuailty either in terms of biology/ nature or in terms of social aspects ... they are hugely different ... and there is no reason why we should always account for it as well, when we talk about male gender and sexuality.
Having said that, 'sexual orientation' seems less problematic for women than it does for men, for a variety of reasons, including that it is less exclusive, just a loose divison for women, not so much politicised and doesn't have enough repercussions for women. Furthermore, there is much more social acceptance, even celebration of it in the West. With the limited knowledge I have of female gender and sexuality, the stereotypes of same-sex sexuality in women having a co-relation with queer gender may actually be true to some extent as far as women are concerned, but not so for men. Although, my knowledge is not as deep about this.