I asked for a definition of unpatriotic since you said "I hope one day my children's children still have the right to voice their opinions about their country just as you do, I just hope their voice is more optimistic and patriotic." which explicitly implies that I am somehow unpatriotic.
So I guess that since I am voicing an opinion in here that is not in agreement to yours I am now labeled as unpatriotic. This has suddenly turned back into ameriKa. True america does not exist and will never exist. The utopia is dead.
There are good and great things that this country has done, but that does not mean that we should as a people turn a blind eye to the horrible things that it has and currently is engaged in. To do so does nothing but rob the people of their voice and without a voice, there is no power.
edit to edit: so, the only definition to unpatriotic is someone who wishes the downfall of America? Hmm.. I'm betting those people are seen as patriots in certain circles. There has to be more to a patriot and an unpatriotic person than that.
Last edited by Glory's Sun; 05-01-2010 at 10:09 AM..