Originally Posted by guccilvr
Oh.. so you just blindly support your countrie's actions and call it patriotism? That's not patriotism, that's patronizing the blind and power hungry who sit back and laugh at the poor, the hungry and the tired.. I see all these idiots at these so called "tea parties" who wave the American flag, use the word patriotism 4 times a sentence, and continually down anyone who is not a part of their cause. The videos I've seen show such a lack of knowledge of the country they supposedly love and support that they should be glad that immigrants are here. Legal immigrants probably know more about this country than 75% of those people. This is the AmeriKa that I speak of. Call me disrespectful if you will, but look at the hand that feeds you. It's dirty, corrupt and wipes the mouth that lies with malicious intent.
You're suggesting that people should forget the pride they have for their homeland just because they now reside in a America. What is so horrible about a person waving an iraqi, iranian, puerto rican, mexican, chinese, etc etc etc flag in this country?
Yes, I am American. How is misspelling Amerika disrespectful? It's well within my rights as an American to misspell it if I want. So while you may think that your blind support and pride of your country "warts and all" is more patriotic than someone else, I say it's less patriotic because it does nothing to enact change for the betterment of the country.
MM has a very valid question and point. How does someone displaying a flag of another country in a different country equate to hatred or lack of love for the country they now reside in?
I think we lost what the real meaning of the work "patriotism" was along time ago. The spin media got a hold of it and used it as a platform for hate-mongering. The America of today could never truly grasp the morals and ideas that the America of the 1700's held so high that they would fight their mother country to uphold. Having pride in where you were born and believing that you reside in the greatest country in the world is not a bad thing. Using that love to hate others for moving here, having pride in their own country, or even not being "true" to the country they live in is what got us in this shithole to begin with. What was once considered a great and noble thing has now become the platform to keep everyone not a "true American" out of a country that only 100 years ago was called "the melting pot" of the free world.
When did people forget that that our ancestors MOVED here over the last 500 years? When did people forget that starving, homeless, poor immigrants moved here looking for a better life under a different flag? When did America forget that German, Italian, English, African (not always of their own choice), Spanish, Mexican, Swedish, Chinese, and other immigrants moved here because they couldn't claim that they "owned" a piece of land in the world. They saw this uninhabited country just across the ocean with unlimited possibilities for someone willing to spill their sweat and blood into a wilderness ready to be carved into a home they could raise food, livestock, and a family on. When did people forget this? That was your Great-Great-Great-Grandfather who traveled on a over-populated ship (with hardly any food) for months at end just to make it here to pursue a dream that you deny to the same kind of people just 300 years later? What right do you have to say, "My ancestors moved here looking for a better life, but you need to get the fuck out of my country, it's MINE now."?
You may own property in the United States of America, but you don't own America. Get over yourself. I"d like to see some of these "patriots" and "Tea-Partiers" go back to the generation that brought them to this country and say, "You fucking foreigners are coming over here, messing up our infrastructure, our health-care, and taking our jobs! No one wants you here!"
The hard right punch of a man who's hands worked, tilled, dug, and carved out a living in foreign country on a hard patch of barren earth would be sweet justice incarnate.