Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
shadowex: Minus the language part, you've described behavior that's exhibited even by immigrant groups that have been here for some time. A number of my family members have or have had flag medallions on their cars. You know what flag I've never seen as one of those medallions? The American flag. The Italian flag, however, was on every single one of them. In one particular case where my uncle married a woman from Mexico, it was joined by the Mexican flag. For reference, my family came over about 100 years ago. These aren't even recent immigrants exhibiting this behaviour. Or you can go to certain communities in the Chicago area where you'll see a bunch of Polish flags, not American flags, and people who speak primarily polish. The bank Onodrim works at has signs in Polish to better serve those customers. Or, uh, certain areas of the south where you'll mainly see Confederate flags  It's all over.
Guess what: you live in a multicultural country. It's time to get over it.
Yeah, we have a Dutch flag that we hang, and I've been meaning to order my Oranje jersey before the World Cup starts.