Originally Posted by Jetée
I, too, thought that Super Mario World was the penultimate Mario Bros. institution, and I would always love to go back time and again to play this classic game (though I'm quite sure you start off with 4, 5 or 6 lives at the beginning, your character, plus a "x5" at the top, but as you progressed, the maximum number of lives alotted was "x99").
You're right I wasnt clear (as usual), I had built up 99 men before attempting the dreaded tubular.
Your detailed description brought back memories from at least 10 years ago. I played this for a long time refusing to check online for hints or secrets because I wanted to do it on my own. A friend dropped by and introduced me to the Top Secret area which is situated behind the Ghost House on the Donut Plains. This was the beginning of my enlightenment.