I was recently made aware of the following as yet unexplained occurance in Back to the Future Part III, a very famous and well-watched twenty year old film: right at the end the Doc's son Verne makes a strange and totally incongruous gesture before the camera pushes in closer. Watch here:
This has GOT to be a mistake. The two most likely explanations I've found are 1) the boy's gesture is a cue for the cameraman to come in closer and 2) the boy is signalling that needs to go and void his bladder (researching this slightly, a lot of people seem to think he's mute). Number 1 seems more likely to me because the timing is spot on.
If 1) is true- why does the cameraman need a cue? Can he not remember the script well enough that he knows when to push in from what the Doc is saying? Was the angle wrong, and the boy's signal should be hidden behind the Doc's elbow?
If 2) is true- how long has the kid been standing there for? How many takes have already been done? If the shot's been done so many times why print the take with the mysterious goof on it.
This has been bugging me since I found out about it for two reasons- one, that I didn't spot it by myself - seems obvious once you've been told. And two, what's the proper explanation?