Originally Posted by mixedmedia
Just as it would be great if all natural born Americans would learn to actually speak, spell and write coherent sentences in English themselves. *pipe dream*
Let us build a utopia together....
Here are some nice tidbits from Tim James's website:
Our television commercial “Language” has created quite a stir across America. While we’ve been taking a lot of criticism from the far left over it, we don’t think that most normal Americans feel the same way. In order to find out, we’ve created a simple survey to find out how people like you feel about the issue.
[One question on the survey reads: "In your opinion, are non-English speakers more likely to get into an accident when driving on Alabama roads?"]
[Below is from the Faith & Family Values for Tim James website]
I was blessed to be raised in a family with a deeply religious mother and a father who modeled ethics in business and government. That experience has greatly influenced me regarding the cultural issues of our day. It is my desire that the citizens of Alabama know my position and values on these important issues. Often the answers to life’s most complex issues are found through Common Sense Rooted in Biblical Values.
In 1963, prayer was removed from schools. President Ronald Reagan recognized the danger of this act when he said:
“Our Pledge of Allegiance states that we are ‘one nation under God,’ and our currency bears the motto, ‘In God We Trust.’
The ethics and morals such faith implies are deeply rooted in our national character. Our country embraces these philosophies by design, and we abandon them at our risk. How can we hope to retain our freedom through the generations if we fail to uphold that the belief that our liberty comes from an enduring faith in our Creator?
If we look to the words of the early founders, we see that their aspiration and fervor was to build a nation who would fear and honor Biblical Values.
Thank you for visiting this website to learn more about how you can get involved with the Faith and Family Values Coalition. Together, we can make a difference here in Alabama regarding the issues that matter most to our families and the great State of Alabama. Please pledge your support in bringing Common Sense Rooted in Biblical Values back to Alabama by signing our online petition and encouraging your friends to join us.
[Among the values include....]
Protecting the Sanctity of Life
All human life is created by God, in His image, and begins at conception. Each human life is to be valued and protected, at every stage and circumstance, until the natural end of that life.
Defending Family Values
The family is a God-ordained institution of a man and a woman, lawfully married, who may have biological or adopted children, and single parents.
It's not all bad, these are simply the things that set off warning bells in my head in the "I'm glad he's not vying for public office in Canada" sort of way.
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing?
—Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön
Humankind cannot bear very much reality.
—From "Burnt Norton," Four Quartets (1936), T. S. Eliot
Last edited by Baraka_Guru; 04-29-2010 at 12:10 PM..