Since the late 1990s,
The New Yorker has taken advantage of computer and Internet technologies for the release of current and archival material.
The New Yorker maintains a website with some content from the current issue (plus exclusive web-only content). Subscribers have access to the full current issue online, as well as a complete archive of back issues viewable as they were originally printed. As well,
The New Yorker's cartoons are available for purchase online. Using techology developed by Bondi Digital Publishing, a complete digital archive of back issues from 1925 to April 2007 (representing more than 4,000 issues and half a million pages) is available on nine DVD-ROMs or on a small portable hard drive.
Archive : The New Yorker
(sadly, the complete archive is reserved for subscribers, and only a fraction of it is available for free; but, that should be more than enough for the interested casual reader)