So you think that if it was a NY candidate that people wouldn't be saying the same shit?
Considering how it keeps getting conveniently forgotten (in schools and message-boards) that it was Boston, MA which pioneered the use of fire-hoses and German Shepherds to break up Civil Rights marches...no, I don't think they'd be saying the same shit. I think it'd get ignored the same way Northern racism typically is. After all; they went and fought that big war to free the slaves, so Northerners can't be racist. All the movies tell me so. It's impossible.
Perhaps because a lot of what is seen and heard in the south revolves around ignorance?
Seen and heard by those who are incapable or unwilling to see that ignorance and racism are everywhere, and who are much more interested in having "proof" of their own prejudices and culturally-imperialist biases.
I hear Nigger, Spic, darkies etc more than any other singular descriptive word every day around here.
So do I. From a -vast- MINORITY of my customers and people with whom I interact daily.
nobody is saying this is a purely southern problem.
I refer to rednecks as the bigoted Southerners general population
Although strictly speaking this seems to be suggesting that rather than racism being a purely Southern problem, Southerners are purely racist. Either way, it's horseshit. Likewise this crap:
there seems to be a higher percentage of bigotry in the south
I recommend either of the following therapies for cranio-rectal inversion:
1: If Black, walk alone and unarmed through Little Odessa. You'll know you're in the right place when the signs change to Cyrillic and several large Ukrainian gentleman offer to assist you in returning to Africa in a box.
2: If any colour other than Black, walk alone and unarmed through Harlem. Watts or Cabrini Green will also suit for those who can't make it to NYC.
Lots of Southern folks have really begun to run out of patience with being caricatured as ignorant, racist, inbred and backwards by people who's primary motive seems to be the wish to validate their smugly self-satisfied sense of their own cultural and genetic supremacy. I'm one of 'em.
Maybe I'll just start throwing around equally-ignorant Southern stereotypes about Yankees?