Thanks for all the advice, folks.
I've decided to give it some more thought and time. I haven't been applying the ointment as regularly as I should have been of late, so I don't want to write it off before allowing it to run its course. I've also started a stretching regimen in conjunction with the ointment to see if there is an improvement in elasticity.
Originally Posted by Starkizzer
Keep trying the track you are on, talk to doc about other options, and most importantly talk to Mandy and make sure you two are on the same page. I'm sure she will want you to do what keeps you happy and healthy and gets you back in the sack quickly.
mandy and I have had lengthy chats about the subject, and we both agree that we need to do what's best for both of us. She's agreed to start waxing regularly to minimise any irritation the hair might be causing during intercourse.
If I do decide to go under the knife, you can be sure I'll be making 100% sure of the entire procedure. Port Elizabeth's a fairly small town, with a limited number of doctors who will be
willing to indulge my wanting to 'pop the collar' on my penis. Most of them, even the one I went to see initially, will try and force you down the complete circumcision route just because it's simpler (for them).
On a related note, the wife and I went away for the weekend (something of a mini-honeymoon we never had) where several bouts of vigorous sex ensued, with little to no damage to my equipment. There was a little irritation due to the hair thing mentioned earlier, but hopefully that won't be a problem in future. Who knows...maybe I can get out of this one intact.