I wanted to come back to this thread, as I am like BG and had no male "figures" in my adolescent life. My father died when I was 3 and I remember things that he said to me even in that young age. I know if he had lived longer, my life would have changed in a drastic way (I know I wouldn't be working in computers right now, as my step-dad was the person who brought computers into my life).
I know I have a sub-conscious need for a male role model in my life (my step-dad just doesn't fit the bill in my eyes) and often attach myself to older males to fill that need. I've looked up to various older males in my youth and into my 20's. I look to them for advice and those "life lessons" I think I didn't learn when I needed too.
The various males in my life have had different attributes for different periods in my life. They all had flaws (sometimes major) but all filled a role when I needed it. My last male influence was my last Chef who took me under his wing in the kitchen and invited me into his home when I needed it the most. Granted his abuse of recreational drugs brought the friendship to an end, he helped me a lot when I needed him. I think he will be my last male "role model" as I was extremely hurt when he lost control and shut me out of his life.
I'd respond to the OP's question with this answer: Whatever you feel fulfills the "gaps" or "holes" in your environment/personality that you feel are missing. No one is perfect, we are all humans no matter how we carry ourselves. I don't expect my male role models to not have flaws, just strengths that I want for myself.
My mother has all been a role model in my life, for better or worse. "Generation of men raised by women" and all that non-sense. I don't want to go into that as there are to many strong opinions on both sides of the male/female role model issue.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
In my own personal experience---this is just anecdotal, mind you---I have found that there is always room to be found between boobs.
Vice-President of the CinnamonGirl Fan Club - The Meat of the Zombiesquirrel and CinnamonGirl Sandwich