Yeah I ROFLed at the AN-94 buff.
The only thing that I'm pissed about is the 40 MM shotgun nerf. Really? I'm rank 23 or so now and I've yet to be killed by it. NOBODY uses it...but ME!!! Everyone takes the noob tube. I have like 150 kills with the 40 MM shotgun. It suits my play style a lot but if you don't aim for a headshot then it was already a bit unreliable being buckshot based and all. But now it's nerfed? WHY????????
Thankfully the nerf wasn't too heavy. It's still a great finisher in a major fight.
The night before last I was dominating. Had like 49 kills or some shit on Rush. I got behind one squad and killed 6 of them. I emptied my AN-94 twice, emptied my pistol, used both 40 MM shotgun rounds and then had to knife someone ha ha ha ha ha. This game is so fun.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert