Originally Posted by silent_jay
I have nothing to add to the thread about the topic just.....The priests who diddled little boys did a pretty good job of that, not the media, they just report the crimes, the priests did them.
Did you know that Catholic priests are statistically no more likely to commit pedophilia than the general population? The fact that most people DON'T know this implies there is at least some effort by the media (and frankly, posts like this) to exaggerate the problem.
What you did not mention, and where the media has it right is the collective effort by some of the bishops in the church to hide some of these crimes. I can think of no other organization that does such a thing. To that end, the Catholic church has only hurt itself and the media is correct in exposing the coverup. However, the priests are not any worse than the general population and really shouldn't be considered an anomaly.