ace--you could, you know, read the report. o i know it's a terrible burden to place on someone to do some research before they wave their hands about and declare in that alan greenspan kinda way that "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" as if there's any fucking agreement about what that means.
there was a plot summary linked below so you didn't have to tire yourself out looking at information.
and i posted the imf report in part because it just came out and in part because the imf is a neoliberal organization in the main--has been since the 80s---a prime generator of neoliberal economic crisis and instrument of extending debt peonage as a mechanism for american imperial power---but that's all Far Away Stuff and "common sense" doesn't give access to it---ANYWAY the point was that
--advanced industrial economies are really quite rickety
--that such recovery as there is has been unfolding along multiple speeds and looks quite different in different places with the us starting late but looking among the stronger and the e.u. in a much more complex spot (for example)
--employment is a problem but the imf seems to think that the main way to deal with it is by extending unemployment longer.
i thought you'd find it interesting since the imf tends as an organization to argue along lines parallel to you except without the assurance that data doesn't matter.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite