Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Some commentators claim that the main reason why Jobs is against Flash (that is to say, besides tech & security issues) is because it would allow users access to such things as Hulu,which would be in direct competition with many iTunes products.
In other words, he's essentially protecting his business model. You can't blame a CEO for wanting to make money, and you certainly can't blame a CEO for wanting to protect revenue streams from competitive influences. Either way, it's a sticky issue.
But it will matter less in time, apparently:
Report: Hulu app coming to the iPhone soon | Webware - CNET
Yeah I just don't like how the user experience is so strictly controlled by them, and not by us. You pay hundreds of dollars for freedom of choice, not to be coddled in to paying even more for apps over time to help fit the fleecing model that apple sets up for it's customers. It's the ultimate disrespect in my eyes to tell me what I can and cannot do with something I own.