Originally Posted by Jinn
Sorry Martian, but I really don't get the push towards N. Who is really streaming that much in their intranet to make it an issue? The bottleneck will always been the external speed.
I think the only router I will ever need is a Linksys WRT54g. Excellent signal strength and customizability.
I not only have N, but gigabit as well. Once you start juggling 5-10 gig movie files around, you'll take all the speed you can get. My iMac and netbook both run on N, the rest of the network is on a d-link gigabit router with a netgear gigabit switch, all strung together with CAT6. I actually have dual gigabit (they both have two gigabit ports) strung between my storage server and my processing, but I haven't implemented it at this point, because I'm already limited by drive access speed on the slower of the two.
As far as regular consumers? They'll mostly notice the extended range. My whole house pulls good signal, and I can and have streamed 1080P with 5.1 surround over it (not that I have to, it is now wired), whereas the G would choke on 720p.