Originally Posted by Shauk
this post is obviously tainted with my disdain for Jobs and his "my way is the best way" disrespect towards other market experts who tried unsuccessfully to reason with him on the flash issue.
I couldn't name a single iphone user who would turn down flash capability, except jobs and his venture to push HTML5 for his own gains.
Some commentators claim that the main reason why Jobs is against Flash (that is to say, besides tech & security issues) is because it would allow users access to such things as Hulu,which would be in direct competition with many iTunes products.
In other words, he's essentially protecting his business model. You can't blame a CEO for wanting to make money, and you certainly can't blame a CEO for wanting to protect revenue streams from competitive influences. Either way, it's a sticky issue.
But it will matter less in time, apparently:
Report: Hulu app coming to the iPhone soon | Webware - CNET