Originally Posted by BadNick
what's that weird white bar all about? It seems to be causing some intermittencies on my screen. I see the "quicktime" logo but nothing is happening...yet, Jet.
That is the new ".mp3" embedding feature that the TFP has installed.
It should look like a miniature media player of sorts, with a "play button, pause button, time interval slide, and volume control".
If you do not see that, then your internet explorer is not up to date with javascript or flash capabities or something. You didn't upgrade to Opera yet, did you, BadNick?
- - - - -
Originally Posted by Ourcrazymodern?
Damn, I was hoping
for one or the other, here.
I really care, see.
That, & kinda 
I know not what you are saying, but I was hoping for a contininous stream of consciousness here, a real consecutive gallery of what is being discussed in the podcast above. I can't fault you two for asking questions or participating while I get my act together.