-Intelligence and enjoyment of learning
-An open but scientific mind
-A sense of adventure and willingness to try almost anything new
-Being patient instead of rolling her eyes when I say "wait a minute" and grab my camera while out and about
-Enjoying life instead of taking it so seriously
-Bonus: responds to "I bought a new camera lens" by smiling and striking a pose instead of dropping her jaw at the price. Or at least isn't dismissive of my hobbies.
Originally Posted by Idyllic
Handcuffs work if knots don't
I know someone from another forums who thought this. That was about five years ago and she almost has full range of motion and feeling back in her thumb from when the metal cuffs damaged a nerve in her wrist. For safety's sake, at least use the fuzzy ones if you don't have proper rope.
Plus, there are knot-tying and bondage guides online, and it's a good idea to have at least one or two rolls of 100' of 550 cord around the house and one in the car anyway, so there's not excuse for metal cuffs.