Holy claustrophobia! My ~1500 sq. ft. 3 bedroom apartment is over twice as big as your place, Baraka. 716 is a barracks room, not an apartment.
I'm very happy with the apartment. The only issue is the large amount of steps I have to climb. I joke about my place being The Penthouse.
You need like 1500+ sq. ft. to be comfy, dude. You're living like a submariner with that tiny apartment and all those people/creatures.
I'm not into having a McMansion in the future, but I definitely like to separate things by activity. I like bedrooms to be just for sleeping (or snarlin'--no teevee or computers), I like the living room to be couch-and-TeeVee'd, and I like a separate room for my study/office (computers). I also like having a room for storage (tons of heavy wire shelving) so the rest of the place is pretty bare. I have a large secured walk-in closet specifically for Man Toys.
Key to success in getting your way in an apartment is letting your partner decorate however she wants after you decide the purpose of the rooms.
Last edited by Plan9; 04-15-2010 at 08:00 AM..