I've been thinking of living space for a while now, partly because I work at home now, and partly because I'd like to move sometime in the near future.
So in thinking about this, I realize that I live in a relatively small space compared to what I grew up in. I live in an apartment of 716 square feet.
Growing up, I lived in homes that had 4 or 5 bedrooms. I don't know the actual size of these places, but they must have been no larger than 2,000 square feet. The other difference, however, is that I lived with up to 7 other people. I have 5 siblings. So even at 2,000 square feet, that's only 250 square feet per person.
Today, I live with one other person, so at 716 square feet, that's 358 square feet per person. Maybe that's why I don't feel so cramped in here. There are far fewer people around and the square footage per capita is much higher.
I have 2 cats and a dog, but I don't include them in this calculation since they tend to blend into the surroundings for the most part. Humans definitely take up much more space.
There's also the issue of basements and attics. I think generally we don't include these as living space. Though if you have a finished basement with living areas, or other areas where it isn't quite for storage, then this should be included. We have a small storage shed in the basement here, but that's not included in the living space.
So, my living space is 716 sq. ft.
My per capita living space is 358 sq. ft.
- How much living space do you have?
- Are you happy with the amount?
- Is it too much, too little?
- What is about right?
Me? I'd like to maybe double the living space to about 1,500. If I ever want a family, I'm going to need that space. I think I might want a family. I'm still figuring that out.
I stay at home
a lot, so the space is (would be) well used. And working at home takes space as well. It would be nice to separate workspace from playspace. Currently that's not happening.