67 in winter because I'm cheap!!!!!!! and dressed like an Inuit all season.... I hate being cold, HATE HATE HATE being cold, cryophobic bitch that I am, but..... I hate paying a stupid heating bill of 5 to 6 hundred for our tiny domicile even more than being cold, although I do turn on the stove in the mornings just to warm up, my Hub thinks I'm crazy, maybe true.
In the summer, 87, 88 sometimes 90------ YEAH, minimal clothes, hot and sweltering with the ceiling fans for a breeze and all the windows open. I Love Being HOT, Humid and I would say sticky but, oh, never mind.... I Love HOT, HUMID and STICKY....... God I miss FL.
If Heaven is less than 87 degrees, I may as well live in Hell. I'm actually looking forward to menopause just FOR the hot flashes.