If you are carrying a firearm, in public, without the proper permit (i.e., illegally), and I am aware of it and happen to be sharing that public space, I will call 5-0 on your cowboy ass, and you can argue constitutional law with the judge.
An informer. Aha. So tell me, since someone need not actually -harm- anyone for you to "drop a dime" on them...what other victimless, nonviolent acts will you inform for? Medicinal cannabis use? Taking TEFL courses overseas on a Tourist visa? Sedition?
Because circumventing the law is not responsible ownership, no matter how you spin it.
And enforcing, obeying, or giving assent to immoral, unworkable, and blatantly unconstitutional laws is not good citizenship, no matter how you, or the
Stukachi and
Ustasi in Gov't and media, spin it.
"The law is the law is the law!" Is ever the excuse of those who find it more convenient to oppress others than to uplift themselves.