Writing a book or signing a petition is a far cry from having the ability to kill someone with great ease.
Mssrs. Hitler, Marx, Stalin, Mao, Pot, Amin and Duvalier would dispute this. Likewise Mssrs. Marat, Danton, and Robespierre. Their writings can arguably be said to have contributed to the very easy (for the authors) deaths of hundreds of millions of people.
This aside, the right to read/write/speak/worship is, just like the right to keep and bear arms, enumerated within the Bill Of Rights. If permission may be required to exercise -one- aspect of -one- right, permission may perforce be expanded to cover -all- aspects of -all- rights. This is, even now as we write, transpiring: an unfortunate state of affairs which has been ongoing for most of the past century, and was an on/off affair for most of the preceding time.
I'm not arguing against guns here, I've been a life member of the NRA for 27 years.
Given that the NRA functions as the US's largest, best-funded, and most effective gun-grabbing organization, your membership therein carries less water than a spagetti strainer.
And I own several weapons.
I also own several cats. This no more makes me an expert on lions and the legality of their ownership, much less the risks involved and the likelihood of those risks transpiring, than does your ownership of firearms. Numerous rancid gun-grabbers have, quite embarrassingly, outed themselves are gun-owners over the years. Your protestation simply places you in the company of Diane Feinstein, Sean Penn, R. C. Soles, and Michael Moore.
But I am for mandatory training.
Despite the fact that, as you admit above, you have no evidence whatsoever to back up your position. I could as easily, and with as much authority, advocate a law requiring everyone to wear pink tutus because I feel like it'll cut down on drunken driving.
You can train an idiot to be a little safer.
You obviously haven't encountered many idiots. Idiots are dangerous because they'r idiots; morons, ignoramii, dumbasses, dipshits...they can no more be cured than a psychopath. The ignorant can be educated and their ignorance removed, stupid goes clean down to the bones.
Furthermore, punishing the competent many for the mistakes of the incompetent few (aka collective punishment) is antithetical to the spirit of both the Constitution in general and Bill Of Rights in particular.