Without mandatory training in order to obtain a ccw(in most states)there would probably be alot more accidental discharges as well as a lot more brandishing charges.
Any evidence to support this? Like, say, a greater incidence of negligent discharge or brandishing in Vermont and Alaska vs other CCW states? No? Didn't think so.
Since it is impossible to actually prove how many lives have been saved by mandatory training, I can only assume that it is working the way it was intended.
So you're dead sure that requiring formal training saves lives, despite the fact that you admit having no evidence for this, and admitting that your position is based upon an assumption which you acknowledge as not only unsupportED but unsupportABLE with evidence. This -in addition- to the fact that the Police (trained and rated, every one of them, with the taxpayers paying for training, range time, and ammo) negligently shoot themselves, their co-workers, suspects and bystanders at rates which -far- exceed those of civilian carriers.
Natural selection is kinda irrelevant here
Ballocks. Natural selection is never irrelevant, under any circumstances. Just ask anyone who's ever lost an argument with a train, or that DEA agent who shot himself in front of a classroom of grade-schoolers. Natural selection is always in play, whether a person is a genius or an ignoramus.
Edited to add: All this aside, I wonder how well it would go over if people were required to take formal training and purchase a license in order to "qualify" to write a book or sign a petition?