Originally Posted by Lasereth
I'm actually in the minority. I would pay real money for a hardcore mode to be active like Call of Duty. All HC does in COD is make your health go down to like 30 from 100 so all the guns are more powerful.
This is what I want: BC2 with all vanilla settings including spotting, minimap, crosshairs, EVERYTHING, except I want the HC damage settings. I hate being forced into certain guns if you want to kill people at long range. The HC damage (or health, whichever way they do it) being higher makes the game funner for me, but I really miss the rest of the game being absent.
This is exactly how I feel. I like all the features in regular mode except how many bullets it takes to kill someone. The damage in HC mode is way more realistic and at times much less annoying. The feature I miss the most in HC is spotting. Spotting is essential to squad combat and that's what BF games are all about.