Got it, thanks for the clarification

Nothing wrong with not wanting to put thought into who directed the film or who acts in it, etc. One point where I have to disagree, though, is the characterization that putting this kind of thought into a movie is "like cramming for an exam." There are very few movies I can think of where that kind of attention is
required to enjoy it. Rather, these are just the things that film enthusiasts like to discuss and analyze. To each their own, you know?
Here's how I look at it: There are lots of different kinds of books. Some are enjoyable fluff. Others require a little analysis and thought to get the most out of the story. Movies are no different. Some people prefer watching movies that are simply an "escape." Others enjoy putting more effort into analyzing the movie, and sometimes enjoy putting thought into the movie before and after the viewing experience.
Point is, no one expects you to put that kind of effort into thinking about movies or directors or actors... but a discussion about "most overrated film director" is kind of specifically tailored for people who do enjoy such mental endeavors