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Old 04-12-2010, 11:31 AM   #4 (permalink)
Hektore's Avatar
Location: Greater Harrisburg Area
I donate blood just about as often as I can.

It's no sweat, really. Just do what you normally do. Unless your eligibility is questionable you needn't worry. I believe you're required to eat something (that day) before you're allowed to donate. They will also have snacks/food/juice for you after. Drink/eat them. You are under no obligation to watch your own bag, feel free to look away if it will help you. They will also do fun stuff like type your blood as well as test for a few diseases to ensure your blood is safe to use.

There will be a questionnaire with all sorts of questions about your sexual and travel history. Just answer them honestly, they're going to test for diseases and tell you the results anyway. Donating potentially unsafe blood is not something you want to 'get away with'. If anyone asks why you weren't allowed to donate just say you had low iron - no questions, no (potential) embarrassment.

Fun story: I went to an area in Mexico that prohibited me from donating for a year. About 9 months after I was allowed to donate again they changed the rule to 3 years, barring me from donating blood for another 15 months, even though I had multiple accepted donations in between.

Generally the tips they give go above and beyond what you really need to do - so if you follow them you shouldn't have any trouble. I have been known to leave a double red donation and go straight from the table to rugby practice with no ill effects. Your mileage may vary.

PS: Good for you for doing this. Donating blood is something really important that everyone should do.
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