Originally Posted by Willravel
I've lived in San Jose for the better part of a decade. Crime is quite low here and while prices are still a bit steep, they're a lot better than they've been in the past. What do you like to do day to day? Do you like live sporting events? How about music concerts or live theater? Museums? Hiking? Big malls? A thriving green movement? Tech industry? San Jose does have a lot to offer, but different people have different interests. What do you do where you are now? What would you like?
I'm from northwest Washington State so imagine a blend of Seattle and Vancouver. I'm used to laid-back, intelligent, liberal, generous people and an ever-changing climate and variety of environmental landscapes. I've only recently fully appreciated how lucky I am to live in such a great place and would look for a number of similar characteristics in my next area of residency.
That being said, I LOVE the sun and doing basically every sort of outdoor, physical recreation activity. I'd imagine I'd get more opportunities for that in the San Jose area, while Long Beach is a giant sunny beach surrounded by an endless urban jungle. Of course I love going to sporting events (49ers and Raiders vs. ....... in L.A. for football), music concerts (more opportunities in Long Beach I'm sure), not so much into malls (money dumps for a grad student is not a good combo), am trying to get into BIOtech (though not necessarily the Silicon Valley computer tech), but I think my recreation activities will be limited during my time in graduate school.
Ultimately, I am more concerned with the practicals of living in either area such as living expenses, finding jobs, and general decency of people.