Originally Posted by essendoubleop
I'm faced with the choice between graduate schools at Long Beach St. and San Jose St. Both have fairly competitive programs and are not remarkably different in terms of coursework, faculty members I would like to work with, tuition costs, and transitioning graduates to the next level. This leaves the surrounding area and living environment as one of the primary factors in my decision process. Anybody here from either of these places that can tell me not just about the area but also the day-to-day living experiences? I'd imagine crime is especially bad in Long Beach and the cost of living is higher in San Jose, but I'd like to hear from someone at the source.
I've lived in San Jose for the better part of a decade. Crime is quite low here and while prices are still a bit steep, they're a lot better than they've been in the past. What do you like to do day to day? Do you like live sporting events? How about music concerts or live theater? Museums? Hiking? Big malls? A thriving green movement? Tech industry? San Jose does have a lot to offer, but different people have different interests. What do you do where you are now? What would you like?