Originally Posted by Slims
It's ok though, I still think I got him far, far worse when he went through.
You did. Thanks for that, dick.
The story: Slims had a friend that worked in some photography/printing studio. He would dredge the internets for questionable images and have her print them out in the form of a post card. He would then get her to write something on the back that was "provocative" in big girlie handwriting. The kicker was that she would include just enough mundane B.S. in the post card to make it sound legit. Example: He had this exact image printed out in to a post card. (Very NSFW)
http://tubgirl.ca/ On the back was written "Stopped by your moms house today. She's doing alright, though is having a problem with aphids in her garden. Hey, remember that time we both ate three extra value meals from Taco Bell, split a bottle of Ex-Lax and had a bathtub party? Thinking of that still turns me on". I still have that post card around here somewhere.
Originally Posted by Plan9
Hah! Never thought to write on the outside of the care packages.
I usually just include oddball items like XXL granny panties, rubber chickens, etc.
Nah, dude. You know how the Drills roll. If you write "hey, I hear your impression of the Senior Drill is hilarious" on the outside of the envelope...you can be damn sure the Drills are going to call your ass out in front of the company and expect to see it. Of course there was no impression, but anticipating the Drills reaction, I was hoping that Slims would be called out and be forced to make one up on the spot (one of those no-win situations). Slims being Slims flat out refused to play along, despite his Drills insistence. To this day, I'm convinced he took the smoke for refusing his Drills just to deny me a "victory".