Originally Posted by Derwood
just tax the shit out of High Fructose Corn Syrup (or stop subsidizing it so heavily).
Oh wait, that'll never happen....
Amen, brother. How come conservatives aren't up in arms about this? I mean, they just clearly aren't going to be able to cut entitlements any time soon, so why not look to something that everyone (except the recipients) agrees is useless? If they want to cut government spending, they should target the $20 billion a year in farm subsidies that are totally pointless and are an actual waste of taxpayer dollars. If Fox and Palin and Beck and Boehner and all them started going apeshit about farm subsidies, they'd not only be in the right, but they might actually succeed in reducing government spending. And every liberal who doesn't grow corn or soybeans would be happy to join them!
Yes, yes, I know that this a a bipartisan problem originating with the nature of the Senate, etc., but I can't take these people even a little bit seriously if they try to cut food stamps or unemployment insurance in the name of fiscal responsibility but would never touch farm subsidies.