Originally Posted by Ace_O_Spades
In closing, I feel like it was an awful lot of ruckus over a law that nobody is ever charged with. Anyone shedding tears for Mr. Keegstra? Didn't think so.
Are you speaking of the relevant section of the Criminal Code of Canada, or section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act?
Keegstra was charged and convicted under the first; no one is crying over it because it was a valid, landmark case that was processed by actual justices in a system that generally protects the rights of the accused.
Given the uproar over the various abuses by Human Rights Commissions across the country in the last few year, I think most people would agree to thinking that Mr. Houle and his student union cronies were planning on using Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act and its accompanying antics. We're not worried about the Criminal Code, and police investigations. Government bureaucrats with social justice agendas, powers that have no checks or balances, and a desire to see the number of complainants "spike" (as per Barbara Hall's comment) scares us.
If you value freedom of expression, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the rights of the accused, please ask your Member of Parliament to support to the repeal of Section 13.