My stance is that the FCC is a horrible, corrupted and longstanding barrier to fair media distrubution, free radio, and a goverment-institutionalized "hovering hand" to content labeling, which has progressed so far from being just an "advisory board" to something altogether "necessary" for the goodwill of the nation; it is to dictate what exactly is suitable for whom, and for those that do not adhere, you can be fined exorbitantly, jailed unconscionably, or punished outrageously by means of something else altogether, enforced by which they should hold no legal power to accomplish.
simply: from which you stated in your OP about the
Federal Communications Commission needing to update its responsibilites, its only responsiblity from when it was founded by means of the Communications Act of the mid-1930s (forgot as to which year, '33, 34 or 35, exactly) to the day it still stands, is to solely distribute "content advisory" and to regulate the nation's telecommunications (media) through fair and unbiased methods, which should not be based upon race and/or background, nor region of inhabitance.