Originally Posted by Plan9
...the fuck? Don't give me this 1984 we're-stomping-East-Asia bullshit. Every country swinging a uniformed army has done this kind of thing at one time or another. The Brits, the Germans, the Russians, Iraq/Iran War, South American 100-medal dictatorships, Israelis... anybody you can name. This situation is not unique. History is rife with gnarly examples. The only difference is that we don't have the other incidents on YouTube. A four minute clip does not provide deep enough context and certainly can't put you in the boots of a guy who has that kinda decision at his fingertips. For every "monster," there are a thousand normal guys who are laughing because the threat is gone and are simply grateful to be alive.
Damn, quarterback of the year awards in this thread..
i wasnt referring to east asia.
sure, this type of thing has happened before. Innocent people have been killed in other warzones. but for a nation that prides itself on human rights, womens right, gay right, animal right et al, they seem to care very little about the lives of those they are purported to help.
sure, we're all not in their shoes, and we're not the one choosing whether or not to pull that trigger, but you cannot deny that these guys were
eager to pull that trigger. It's like letting the greyhounds out after the hare. except in this case, the hare was stationary and had no chance.
But if you think this 'threat is gone', then you're wrong. This incident has only increased the ranks of those that oppose american occupation in iraq. so, it really hasnt decreased the threat against american soldiers, but quite the contrary, it has increased it.
Originally Posted by Plan9
Do tell me about this border.
I've read a lot of books detailing the recruitment of terrorists and I get the feeling it isn't nearly as fence-like as you would have us believe.
fuck the hardened terrorists. fuck em. Those that are won over are already won over...
you think the 'arab street' wont get a hold of this to show their people how inhumane the american forces are?
you think the average arab, the average muslim will brush off the grim realities in this video without giving thought that the wanton killings of innocent people while those behind the artillary laugh at its dead?
you think alqaeda looneys wont use these videos to recruit more impressionable youngsters into ther ranks?
do you really believe that ordinary people like me, professional people will turn even more against this occupation?
do you really believe that the families, loved ones, friends of those that were killed in this innocent and those children will grow to hate those that killed their loved ones?
will those two children grow up to teach their kids that the americans had the right to kill their grandparents and that all will be forgiven?
border? what fucking border?
you may speak about us as quarterbacks for not being able to see it from a soldiers view because we havent been there or done that, but you need to live here to understand how the world goes round young jock.