Enact and enforce social and workplace policies that make breast feeding more acceptable and accessible...and a tax on baby formula might be reasonable as well.
The health care reform takes a small step...:
Employers would be required to provide an unpaid "reasonable break time for nursing mothers" in the first year after giving birth. Women would be provided a private place, other than a bathroom, to use a breast pump. The provision exempts companies with fewer than 50 workers if the requirement would impose "an undue hardship," a determination left to the employer to make.
....but of course, the business community is outraged by this new mandate!
Then, extend the Family and Medical Leave Act so more low income and/or low skilled female workers can benefit and stay at home for the child's first year w/o fear of losing their job.....women who disproportionately are not covered by the FMLA.
And you might have a case for the tax you want....with exclusions for medical necessity.
But any comparison to the adverse effects of smoking/drinking is just assanine.