Originally Posted by Lasereth
What's the best way to blow up an mcomm if you can't get into it? I see people physically demolishing the buildings where they cave in but I don't know how you trigger that.
c4, tanks, 40mm grenades, mortar strikes, rockets, putting mines next to the wall and shooting them, take out enough wall segments and the building will drop. Only building I haven't been able to get drop I think are like the 1&2 level trailers, and the big complex one at the end of port valdez. Oh and the obvious ones that are standing without walls already like pretty much most/all downtown arica harbor.
the engi guns and the high RPM usually gives me some ammo probs, I'd rather follow an engi around as an assault and drop ammo boxes than try to manage that mess of ammo, considering you can probably empty your entire lives worth of ammo (2 reloads) in about 10 seconds (guestimate) after spawning) I've had too many situations with certain guns/classes (recon as well) where I just stay alive too long and get to the point that I've got zilch ammo and have to hoof it to catch up with the rest of the players (as recon) or run around with pistol/rockets until I can find an assault class running around if one isn't in my squad (as engi)
I like medic and assault the most.
Medic: for now... I'll see how they fare after the LMG adjustments coming up
Right now they are beasts for earning points since there is no shortage of damage to heal or people to res in normal mode, it's kind of hard to get my bearings in hardcore though with no obvious indicator of where people died at, without having a handy minimap, accessing the full map is a bit cumbersome and hogs the screen. Also, right now, the LMG's are just cannons of death, there's one, I forget, that has 200 bullets per reload.
Between the killing power and the dual support options to draw on for points (res and heal), it's what I play to get the most points out of my time if I'm just trying to get points to rank up.
Assault: the guns are just awesome for control/stopping power, the smoke launchers are really underutilized and I've singlehandedly taken open mcoms down in hardcore mode games with some creative smoke application. The fact that you never run out of ammo is great, so you're really only limited by your ability to outshoot your opposition and not get overrun. The only time I use 40mm's is if the map has a serious turtle problem or where destruction of walls come in handy when the other team is succeeding at locking down our vehicles. (fucking hate camper recons who just airstrike tanks as soon as they spawn in our camps) I dunno, depends on who I'm playing or what mode I'm playing, but I think Assault is my all around most comfortable class to play. I don't feel like an asshole with a 100 round clip who turns my teammates in to perma jesus as long as i'm alive at least, lol. As much as I love medics, I hate them equally. I have a real "can't beat em, join em" mentality about them sometimes.