I admit that it is a common enough fantasy and that you never will or ever can loose the darker edge of humanity (after all so long as there is the reproductive urge and human lust for power, or void of power in lives, the rape fantasy will always be present, agreed?)
however I think there is simply no need for it to come into publication like this :-/
So long as an action causes fierce pain and prolonged damage to any other human being it should always remain a taboo.
In my opinion videogames like this aren't so much endorsing it as they are bringing it to the surface, as they become increasingly common they will be frowned upon less and less and eventually blend in with society, people will stop caring. The same patterns as violence in video games (don't get me wrong, I've played a few myself and despite being the worse crime in a sense they're the lesser crime ... um... far fewer people have murderous fantasies to indulge than there are rape fantasies. Such is the nature of a commercial society. We're tied into life lacking control and choice on the whole and naturally seek it elsewhere, but that's a story for a different night

) but in the end the more publicity it gets, the more it's thought about.
And not necessarily the bad sides ...
I suppose what I'm trying to say is treating topics as a social taboo is not perfect, but it's the best we have.
If we choose not to ignore a topic, but to condemn it altogether those few still with wobbly morals, capable of swinging one way or another, will have the fear of God put back into them. They learnt it's disgusting. They learnt it from their parents, from their religion, from their society, from their peers and to commit the crime would seem perhaps a thousand times more damnable.
It's social manipulation, but benevolent manipulation.
Our instincts are not always right, our desires are not always right and they are already twisted by the world we've created around us (are we naturally material? No. We're naturally competitive, this has been cleverly manipulated around to keep the monetary world and power wheels churning. Are we naturally dominating like this? I couldn't say, but I don't doubt our lifestyle contributes to this), but if we're willing to manipulate things in a selfish way, should we not manipulate ourselves in a selfless way?
You could always turn my argument against me on the grounds that rape crime's are lower in number over in Japan, but this is a completely different culture!
How many of them do you think are reported? Especially within marriage. The women there have been taught how to react, how to feel, what to expect by their media (which is no less than this) and certainly wouldn't report it! They wouldn't be taken seriously from what I can make out
... and they're less free to commit crimes, look at the way they're raised in comparison to the western world. Not all of them, but a good majority are brought up stricter on obeying the rules that they've been given.
The number of possible, plausible outside influences are staggering, the two can't really be compared :-/
Watching some of the videos where the girls in it are sobbing (they enjoy this?!) I have to say it's an absolutely disgusting take on women as it is. What about the boys that play these that have little experience with real girls as it is? I'm talking teenagers, who are still in the stage of developing empathy at this point physically and mentally ... where do these games put them? I'm sure it's not drastic, but isn't it a step downwards none the less?
... I would also call it out on being sexist, but then I've seen the other side of the coin produced also.
I disagree with that too :P