Originally Posted by Rekna
Nope, I went to private school so you didn't pay for my education. This is relevant because you said you are against letting more legal immigrants in the country because they won't get paid enough thus you would subsidize their health care. So you are against giving help to others but you are perfectly fine receiving it for your own family. And that makes you a hypocrite. If you were truly against government subsidies you would put your own kids in private school.
Actually, no. Since there's no way I can get back every single penny of tax money that I pay into the public education system, there's no hypocrisy. If I sent my kid to a private school, not only would I be paying her tuition, but I would still be paying taxes for public schools. Now if the system actually supported a 100% exemption from public school taxes if your kid went to private school, I'd support that since that's yet another place I think the feds should be keeping their noses out.
Originally Posted by Rekna
Also illegal immigrants are propping up social security to the tune of $7 billion a year not to mention what they pay into medicare. Many of them also pay taxes but don't file for refunds giving another surplus of tax revenue. Cracking down on illegal immigration would actually hurt this country in the form of less tax revenue, more legal costs, less low paid workers (hence rising costs of goods).
Until some do-gooder files a lawsuit forcing the government to give these illegals their money.
Originally Posted by Rekna
I'll be the first to admit that there are portions of the economy that get hurt by illegal immigrants but I also know there are many parts the benefit. Will you admit the same?
Granted the illegals are holding down labor expenses. However, these illegals are also likely to be showing up in emergency rooms because their employers are unlikely to be covering their medical. They are also affecting unemployment to some extent. Stories about construction crews picking up day laborers off street corners in larger cities have been common for years. Also, there were US construction workers being displayed by illegal immigrant labor. So I'm in the camp that counts them as a net loss.