Generally speaking, no criminals just turn themselves in out of the goodness of their hearts.
that's pretty much what I said
I mean a gang of bank robbers won't volunteer to give up information.
I edited out my joke in the above post if it really offended you, sorry I work in a metal shop and I guess I'm used to peppering my dialogue with salty exaggerations. no real offence intended. the church seems to draw in an inordinate amount of attention on this subject regardless of the statistics.
I was just curious what the law says regarding sexual abuse and the church, like if religious organizations are exempt of police investigations like they are taxes or what ?
I just wonder why the police aren't more aggressive investigating this shit. it's disgusting.
I guess I'll just chalk it up to all the other WTF ?!? surrounding religion.
I'm not trying to joke or bash on anything just for the fun of it.